I have practiced as an Energy Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT, Matrix Re-imprinting and Matrix Birth Re-imprinting Practitioner, Art Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, Meditation and Journeying teacher, Trauma Therapist, Spirit release Therapist for 5 years now and I take an interest in negative programming and the role of our subconscious programming to heal past trauma or negative beliefs.
I bring my whole tool kit along to our retreats including my drum and crystal singing bowls and create a day that flows and where you get the most healing, relaxation and transformation you can in a day.
I specialise in working with children, trauma and anxiety and I love what I do. My advice to anyone reading this: Invest in you! You are important … look at the source of the issue… its the key to a healthier happier you!
Tarradale Farm House, Muir of Ord, Ross-Shire, Scotland
Queensmead, Beaulieu, Hampshire
SO42 7PJ
To speak to us and arrange a session.
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