Therapy Training & Classes

Learn Techniques & Tools for a Better Life

Transformational Training on Demand

As healing practitioners we are constantly learning. It’s an exciting and developing field in which therapies, techniques and tools once considered alternative are becoming increasingly mainstream, in many cases backed up by scientific studies and proven results.

Here at Source Health we believe it is fair and just – and indeed necessary – to share our skills and knowledge with the wider world. Our clients, in particular, need to be able to treat themselves as they work to ward off stress, anxiety, trauma and all the other damaging results of the negative programming life has thrown at them.

We’re not expecting everyone to achieve qualifications and certification in the therapies we use and recommend, but we can – and do – teach various techniques, processes and self-help tools that can help maintain our clients’ equilibrium when professional help is not around.

Our training sessions are held on demand on an ad hoc basis. We’re happy to schedule one-to-one training or group training classes for those who want to know how to transform their lives for the better.

The Art of EFT and Inner Work 7th - 10th Nov. 24

This 4 day intensive course is a complete certified training for energy psychology techniques such as EFT, Inner alchemy work, soul healing, quantum healing in the matrix, the roots of trauma.
These practices could change your life and the lives of others
Perhaps you are in a healing journey yourself or want to start a new career with purpose, or add skills to your therapeutic tool kit.
It would be my pleasure to teach you these transformative techniques that shift and heal at the deepest levels. The content of this course is also available on my live zoom training starting in September.

Day 1
Learn basic EFT, meridian line therapy that can be used to transform issues and reprogram negative patterns and beliefs. Learn about the power of tapping and why it is set to transform the way we approach physical
and mental health issues.

Learn how to create an inner landscape of safety that can nourish our soul and create inner stability. Inner Alchemy, how to see the lessons and gifts, from deep self inquiry. When we stop, feel and follow the feeling to find the root cause.

Day 2
Inner Alchemy, how to see the lessons and gifts, from deep self inquiry.
When we stop feel and follow the feeling to find the root cause.
Working with different common issues using EFT to access and heal fragmented inner child parts, core belief systems and create new neural pathways and the filter the world with.

Day 3
A deep dive into the subconscious programmes and the quantum field of possibilities. Are your beliefs sabotaging your potential? How to blend creative tools and EFT to shift to a higher perspective.

Day 4
Soul healing into the divine matrix. Ancestral healing and higher purpose. Are you the pattern breaker, are you listening to your soul’s wisdom?
We are multidimensional beings, learning how to access higher wisdom and clear family patterns from this lifetime and beyond. On completion of this course you will be invited to continue developing and mastering these skills with mentorship case studies, and personal practice support.

The investment for this course is £550 non residential and £950 residential Price. Payment plans available at £150 a month for 4 months.

Finding Energy Psychology

Donna found Energy Psychology and EFT 15 years ago, and claims it saved her life.

“This was a pivotal moment of transformation in my life and the key to gaining a deeper understanding as to why I was making some really negative choices and felt constantly not good
enough. I became fascinated by our negative belief systems, and how they influenced every thought, feeling and response we have about ourselves and the world. It was this subconscious programming that was created in my early childhood that was
destroying my happiness and health.”

She is now on a mission to help others, identify and heal unconscious wounds and teach these
methods to bring more healing to the world and empower change. She shares these powerful practices in her workshops, sessions and retreats.
I have been lucky enough to work with Donna as her client in her practice, and alongside her in
our work with Happy Marlo where we share a vision and mission to empower young children on
their own journeys of emotional wellbeing.
Donna is esteemed, powerful, respected, and much loved. If you work with her you will be
changed for the better. Rebekah Clark CEO Happy Marlo



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