As the old proverb states “There is a cure for every aliment and pain” the ancient powerful healing practice of Soul Retrieval is such a cure for a person experiencing Soul Loss. The shamanic healer uses his/her abilities to get into conscious interaction with one’s Soul and the Spiritual Realm to partake a series of rites to bring back the lost energy to the rightful owner. The shamanic healer acts as a vessel to manifest our intention to be healed. Our guides, souls of our ancestral linage, Mother Nature and the Great Universal Consciousness work together to bring all the healing that we need to become whole and realise, accept, love and thrive on our unique path and way of being.
Sees in Dark – shamanic healer
The healer acts as a medium between our physical body, our conscious mind and our soul and embodies our intention to bring back the lost energy and our sense of internal balance and peace. Soul Retrieval is a powerful healing rite and as such the shift is usually experienced immediately after the healing. We can feel a certain level of serenity and peace, connection to nature, life, our feelings and self-worth or feel absolutely energized and full of inspiration. We can also receive insights in the form of messages in dreams or synchronicities in real life. The aspect of us receiving healing can also have a positive impact on our relationships with others as we would not be responding from a place of pain anymore but from a place of understanding and inner strength.
We can benefit from Soul Retrieval as a potent stand alone technique or it can very well compliment other ongoing therapies and amplify, expand the outcome of our healing journey.
Tarradale Farm House, Muir of Ord, Ross-Shire, Scotland
Queensmead, Beaulieu, Hampshire
SO42 7PJ
To speak to us and arrange a session.
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